Ziva- Visit once & Dwell for a Lifetime..!

Sharadha (Ziva): Hey Sumithra, how are you doing?

Sumithra: Hey Sharadha. We’re too old now to handle things... Yet doing fine. How about you?

Sharadha (Ziva): I am doing absolutely fine and to be honest, I feel age is just a number.

Sumithra: Is it? But, what made you feel so?

Sharadha (Ziva): My husband and I worked really hard all these years and came to a decision as to live an active and stress-free life after retirement.

Sumithra: What? You sound insane. How can you even think of having an active life after retirement? We just need to relax. By the way, who will even love to see us active?

Sharadha (Ziva): Do I sound absurd? But, ‘Ziva’ thinks differently.

Sumithra: Ziva! What is it?

Sharadha (Ziva): A place filled with peace! A life filled with joy! A day filled with bliss! A life full of energy. I am talking to you experiencing all of it in one place. It’s ‘Ziva- Active retirement community’, where Senior Citizens are furnished home of their own with excellent amenities to live independently.

Sumithra: Oh really?! Then who will take care of your health? It’s always a question mark despite having children to take care of.

Sharadha (Ziva): Oh! Come on Sumi. You need to understand that our children are living a fast-paced life now. ‘Ziva’ has doctors on call, qualified nurses, pharmacies and emergency services, available 24*7, and a fine swimming pool with a compact floor which makes me feel fresh and active. What else do I need for my safety and peace of mind?

Sumithra: Sounds great! But, what about food? How will you cook when you don’t feel good?

Sharadha (Ziva): I absolutely have no issues with food. It is basically a ‘Sattvic’ kitchen where we get high quality balanced diet prepared from products from their own organic farm with A2 Milk from their own farm.

Sumithra: I forgot to ask you something! You said it would be an active retirement life, right? What keeps you active?

Sharadha (Ziva): Good question! We have space for jogging, sporting, indoor and outdoor gym, a lush green pathway to walk around and sufficient space to hang out with books. This helps our community seniors linger an active life.

Sumithra: Hold on Sharadha I’ll just be back. I’ve got important work to do!

Sharadha (Ziva): Important work? What is it?

Sumithra: To join you at 'Ziva’ for the rest of my life.

Sharadha (Ziva): Great decision! Ziva awaits your arrival!!

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